How to Choose Bumper Cars for Adults

When looking for bumper cars for adult, there are several factors you should consider to ensure you get a product that is both safe and enjoyable. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

Durability and Quality

Adult bumper cars should be made from high-quality materials that can withstand heavier weights and more intense collisions. Look for cars constructed with a strong steel frame and heavy-duty PVC or rubber bumpers.

Size and Comfort

Ensure the bumper cars are spacious enough to accommodate adults comfortably. They should have adjustable seats, secure seat belts, and ample legroom.

Safety Features

Safety is paramount, so the cars should be equipped with a secure harness system, padding, and a reliable braking system. Check for certifications and safety tests conducted by the dodgem ride manufacturer.

Power System

Adult bumper car can be battery-operated, electric (powered by a floor or ceiling grid), or gas-powered. Battery-operated cars offer more flexibility in terms of arena setup, while electric cars may offer a more consistent power supply but require a specialized conductive floor or ceiling.


Aesthetics are important, especially if the bumper cars are part of an entertainment business. Choose designs that are appealing and fit the theme of your venue. Customizable designs are often available.


Look for bumper cars with a good balance between speed and control. They should be responsive and easy to maneuver.

Manufacturer Reputation

Purchase bumper car from a reputable manufacturer who has experience in producing bumper cars. They should offer good customer service, a warranty, and access to spare parts.


Bumper cars can be a significant investment, so compare prices from different suppliers. However, don’t compromise on quality and safety to reduce costs.

After-Sales Service

Make sure the supplier offers good after-sales service, including maintenance and repair services.

Reviews and References

Before making a purchase, read customer reviews, ask for references, and, if possible, visit locations where the bumper cars are currently in use.


Some manufacturers offer customization options for their adult bumper car, including color choices, lighting effects, and branded themes.

Capacity and Throughput

Consider how many bumper cars you need based on the expected traffic and the size of your venue. A higher number of cars can translate to increased revenue but requires more space and maintenance.

2-seat Adult Bumper Cars for Sale
2-seat Adult Bumper Cars for Sale

Keep in mind that when setting up bumper cars for adults in a commercial setting, you’ll also need to consider the infrastructure, such as the flooring system for electric bumper cars, as well as local regulations and insurance requirements. It’s advisable to consult with a professional before making any final decisions.